Glowing skin

 Some of the first words that come to mind when we talk about healthy skin are ‘radiant’ and ‘glowing’. We all want that kind of skin, but how do we achieve it? Here are our top three healthy skin tips to help you take care of your skin . 

 Get The Basics Right

As with most things in life, the effort we put in leads to the best rewards. It’s not different with our skin; if you focus on the essentials that keep your skin in tip-top condition, it’ll pay off in the long run:

• Come clean
Never leave make-up or sunscreen on skin when going to bed. Not washing it off after each day can clog pores and lead to breakouts.

• Moisturise
Don't skimp on your daily moisturiser, even if you have naturally oily skin. And focus on areas of the body that usually need extra care, like knees and elbows. Use a skin-smoothing body moisturiser like Dawn Rich Lanolin & Rose Water Silky Body Lotion to soften and nurture your skin.

• Apply skincare to slightly damp skin
The best time to apply skin creams and lotions is immediately after bathing or showering. Applying moisturiser while your skin is still slightly damp helps seal in moisture. Any one of Dawn’s five luxurious body creams will enrich and nourish your skin.

2. Get Your Beauty Sleep

Sleep is very important when it comes to taking care of your skin because a lot happens after dark. Do your skin a favour and aim for eight hours of rest each night:


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