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Know the type of clothes to wear

Nylon is also not a good fabric for you to wear either. Nylon does not absorb moisture so sweat is trapped against your skin, which creates a breeding ground for odour and fungal infection. In addition, the textiles are made from petrochemicals and are heavily treated with all sorts of elements too such as bleaching agents and synthetic dyes. Such things have been linked to immune problems, skin issues and cancer to name only a few. An irritant known as formaldehyde is also found in nylon and has been linked to skin irritation and eye problems.

Better try this one
Some of the most common skin-friendly fabrics are “cotton, linen, cashmere, silk, hemp and those made with wood pulp,” mentioned Sarkar. "Any fiber that has good conductive and wicking properties are good for people who have different skin conditions.

After or before purchasing clothes, check the label

Is silk good for your skin? Silk Pillowcases

In The short answer is yes. The longer answer involves the very reasons we started selling silk pillowcases in the first place - and why we stock the specific kind that we offer.

Sleeping on a silk pillowcase has benefits for those with all types of skin conditions. As well as anyone who is ageing - which surely applies to all of us. Sadly, no-one is getting any younger, but using a silk pillowcase can help to make sure that the visible effects of ageing are minimised.

Silk is good for acne, eczema, psoriasis and ageing skin. It is also ideal for those with sensitive skin, including that caused by treatments like chemotherapy.

Silk is natural

The first factor is the material. Like cotton, silk fabric comes from a completely natural source.

It is spun by silkworms in countries like China, where for centuries farmers have specialised in producing the finest raw silk.

Silk is breathable

Being natural means that silk is very breathable.

It thus follows that your skin can breathe overnight, leading to a lower likelihood of developing the blocked pores that can cause whiteheads, spots and blackheads.

Silk is cooling

So skin that can breathe freely has a reduced chance of suffering from breakouts, but that's not all.

Silk has a naturally cooling effect (which is one of the reasons it’s often favoured by anyone approaching or going through the menopause) and this means you’re less likely to wake up hot, bothered and sweaty.

Let's discuss this fellow readers


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